CareLink Integrations

Patient Demographics

Import new patient data and patient demographic changes directly into CareLink. Avoid double entry of patient data. Integration is triggered when a new patient is added to your EMR or a patient's data is changed. View complete history in the HL7 patient log.

Patient Scheduling

Send scheduled visits from CareLink to your EMR. If your EMR requires a visit for patient charting then this is a great tool. Schedule data is added the night before your provider visits and are updated throughout the day if new visits are added or deleted.

Documents, Orders and Inquiries

Upload documents, orders and Inquiries as pdf files automatically into your EMR. Great feature if you are using the CareLink integrated fax - no more wasted office time moving and archiving patient files.

Marketplace Integrations
Electronic Medical Record Systems

Documents and Orders
(Collaboration Module Only)

Service Providers
Integrated System Patient Demographics Schedules Documents and Orders

One Way Inbound Integration One Way Outbound Integration Two Way Integration